Installation of djbdns on Debian 8

Installation of djbdns on Debian 8. For this tutorial we will configure a server, with the ip address, that is responsible for the domain.   Steps DJBDNS is not available on debian repositories, therefore we will install it from sources. We will install some dependecies to support the execution of the service. Install the following packages: apt-get […]

Simple Iptables for an Web server

After many requests from my students, follows a very basic configuration: # Allow outgoing traffic and disallow any passthroughs iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT iptables -P FORWARD DROP # Allow traffic already established to continue iptables -A INPUT -m state —state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # Allow ssh, and web iptables -A INPUT […]

Places to hack (legally)

Hi everyone, this semester my students of Security in Information Systems had to do a security auditing on a specific network, with penetrating testing phase. In order to bring more challenges to them, I’ve search for online challenges and ready to hack virtual machines. Most of this list was based on the contributions of the […]

Creating an JSF project for execution on Glassfish v3

Create a dynamic web project. Create files inside Webcontent, as a jsp file, then choose type xhtml with xhml syntax. Change the extention to .xhtml. Then on web.xml insert the server mapping: <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.jsf</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> Add also the line on welcome file list: <welcome-file>index.jsf</welcome-file>

Portuguese Citizens’ Card authentication on glassfish v3

IntroFor enabling the authentication on the glasshfish server, the folowing steps are needed: Add the CA’s used by the portuguese state to sing the certificates on the card. Consfigure the Client-Cert authentication realm Define the security constrains on the web.xml, in order to make use of the previous created realm. Problems in java version 1.6.20. […]

Fighting Spam With Your Mail application

I’ve start to use a function on my email client that sends a message to the sender of the email that states that my mailbox is not valid.If the sender exists, he will think that my mailbox doesn’t exist and it will remove the address form the list.In the on MacOSX the function is […]